The Wireless Communications Alliance (WCA) is dedicated to information sharing, networking and collaboration and will bring you information on the latest happenings in the Wireless Industry. Connections! hosted by wireless veteran Tom Hunt will cover a wide range of topics with leaders in the industry. We hope you'll Get Connected! For more information on the WCA visit us at www.wca.org.
2022 - A Look back at what happened in Wireless - With Prakash Sangam of Tantra Analyst
2022 was an interesting year in wireless. Prakash Sangam of Tantra Analyst and the WCA Board of Directors, joins me to discuss a wide range of topics, from 5G, Private Networks, CBRS, to WiFi 6, 6E and 7. We had some interesting talk about how the 3GPP and the industry are beginning to look at 6G. Finally, at the end of 2022 there was a downturn in tech, which we will also cover along with the work from home situation. -TH
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