The Wireless Communications Alliance (WCA) is dedicated to information sharing, networking and collaboration and will bring you information on the latest happenings in the Wireless Industry. Connections! hosted by wireless veteran Tom Hunt will cover a wide range of topics with leaders in the industry. We hope you'll Get Connected! For more information on the WCA visit us at www.wca.org.
13 episodes
The AirFuel Alliance with Sanjay Gupta
In this episode, we'll be discussing the AirFuel Alliance, a global non-profit organization that aims to promote the development and deployment of wireless power technology.First, we'll delve into the history of wireless power technology...
Season 1
Episode 13

Delivering IoT Solutions with Walt Maclay of Voler Systems
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to transform industries and businesses around the world, companies like Voler Systems are leading the charge by providing innovative and customized services for IoT solutions to meet the unique needs of...
Season 1
Episode 12

Wireless charging technology from FreePower.io - a discussion with Simon McElrea
In this episode, we're discussing wireless charging. Most of us are familiar with Qi chargers for our mobile phones. FreePower is setting a new standard for wireless charging through its elegant hardware and software solution ...
Season 1
Episode 11

An Introduction to Wireless Power - With Dinesh Kithany of WAWT
In this episode on we will provide an Introduction to Wireless Power. In today's world, we rely heavily on electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and wearables that require constant charging. But what if we could charge ou...
Season 1
Episode 10

RF Wireless Power - With Charlie Greene of Powercast
Welcome to today's episode, part of our Wireless Power Series, where we will be exploring the fascinating world of RF wireless power. Radio Frequency (RF) wireless power technology has rapidly evolved in recent years and has become a promising ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Mobile World Congress Recap with Prakash Sangam of Tantra Analyst
Welcome to this special episode of our podcast, where we will be discussing the Mobile World Congress 2023. The Mobile World Congress is the world's largest gathering for the mobile industry, where top mobile brands, operators, and technology c...
Season 1
Episode 8

A Deep dive into 3Ghz Spectrum - With Andy Clegg & Richard Bernhardt
Welcome to today's episode Connections!, where we will be exploring the world of 3Ghz. In recent years, 3Ghz has become an increasingly important topic as we rely more and more on wireless technology in our everyday lives. But what exactl...
Season 1
Episode 7

2022 - A Look back at what happened in Wireless - With Prakash Sangam of Tantra Analyst
2022 was an interesting year in wireless. Prakash Sangam of Tantra Analyst and the WCA Board of Directors, joins me to discuss a wide range of topics, from 5G, Private Networks, CBRS, to WiFi 6, 6E and 7. We had some interest...
Season 1
Episode 6

LoRaWAN - An Overview of the leading LPWAN solution with Alper Yegin, Vice-Chair LoRa Alliance and CTO of Actility
LoRaWAN, LoRa Alliace, LPWAN, can be confusing. Join my discussion with Alper Yegin, the Vice-Chair of the LoRa Alliance to learn about Low Powered WAN and how LoRaWAN is deploying global solutions. We will also discuss Actility, ...
Season 1
Episode 5

WiFi - What's Next? With Gabe Desjardins of Broadcom
With a global economic value of Wi-Fi expected to reach $5 trillion USD by 2025 and billions of devices shipped each year, Wi-Fi is one of the greatest success stories of the technology era...
Season 1
Episode 4

OpenWiFi - An open source WiFi System with Huw Rees of Netexperience
I spoke with Huw Rees, of Netexperience to catch up on the latest in the world of OpenWiFI. OpenWiFi is the open source WiFi system from the Telecom Infra Project(TIP), a global community of hundreds of companies from service providers, ...
Season 1
Episode 3

WiFi HaLow (802.11AH) A new tool for IoT, a conversation with Zac Freeman of Newracom
I caught up with Zac Freeman of WiFi pioneer Newracom to talk about HaLow.Wi-Fi CERTIFIED HaLow™, the designation for products incorporating IEEE 802.11ah technology, augments Wi-Fi by operating in spectrum below 1 gigahertz (GHz) to offer ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Digital Divide with David Witkowski of Joint Venture Silicon Valley
In March 2020 when everything shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic the world stopped. People were sent home from work, students were sent home from school, but if you had connectivity, you could work, go to class, shop all on...
Season 1
Episode 1